Monday, October 27, 2008

this little light of mine....

"If Jesus Christ is external to your life there will be times when the world will not see Him and hear Him and will not know you belong to Him. But if Christ be in you, living and reigning absolutely and you are obeying Him there will never be a moment when the truth will not be evident. You cannot hide Christ if once He comes within. If the light is there it simply must shine."

I read this quote in my devotions and it struck me-- this is who I want to be---I keep seeing a person standing with the light shining on them with no shadow--no darkness to hide in ;just light shining on them and through them.

This is my prayer Lord--that you would shine through me this week and next. Sometimes, I don't live as if you live in me--I walk in fear and distrust. I get angry instead of having compassion; selfish instead of giving. Thank you that you love me anyway. Sometimes, I get envious, feel overlooked, under-appreciated and just plain forgotten. Thank you that you have felt all these things, walked through them. When I feel this way, remind me that you love me, see the plan when I don't and that you are the God of the forgotten, down-hearted and weary.

I ask that you would give me the eyes to see the things that need to be seen. Help me to remain focused on you and who you are.

Luke 11:36 " If your whole body is full of light and none of it is dark, then you will shine bright as when a lamp shines on you."

may it be so--amen

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