Thursday, November 20, 2008

How a real Servant Acts

During my stay at Haus Edelweiss every morning at 10 guest services would meet for devotions. Jim would usually lead and they were usually about servant hood. The last devotion was particularly insightful. He shared 6 things about being a servant that I felt needed to be shared.

Real servants make themselves available to serve.
Much like a soldier, a servant must always be standing by for duty. I saw this over and over again among the staff at TCMI and the short and long term workers I worked with. " What can I do?" "How can I help?' If you only serve when it is convenient for you, you are not a real servant.

Real servants pay attention to needs.

Servants are always on the look-out for ways to help others. " When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. But we should pay special attention to those who are in the family of believers." Gal 6:10. I saw this in action during Sunday morning worship at the Haus. One of the students was giving her testimony and was overcome with emotion. Debbie Poer just stood by her, gave her a hug and that was all she needed to finish.
We miss many occasions for serving because we lack sensitivity and spontaneity. Great opportunities never last long. " Do not say to your neighbor, "come back later, I'll give it to you tomorrow"- when you have it with you." Proverbs 3:28.

Real servants do their best with what they have.

Real servants don't make excuses, procrastinate or wait for better circumstances. They never say" one of these days or when my kids are older or when the time is right." Many people fear they are not good enough to serve. It doesn't have to be perfect- just your best. God knows the difference.

Real servants do every task with equal dedication

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man" Col 3:23. You are never to important to help with menial tasks. I find it amazing that Tony Twist, president to TCMI drying dishes or seeing professors doing that. You are never to important for the menial tasks. God will never exempt you from the mundane. " If anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself." Gal 6:3. Jesus specialized in the menial tasks: washing feet, helping children, fixing breakfast, and serving lepers.
It wasn't in spite of his greatness but because of it" . Small tasks often show a big heart. There will always be people willing to do great things for God than there are people willing to the little things. The race to be leader is crowded, but the field is wide open for those willing to be servants.

RReal servants are faithful to their ministry

They finish their tasks, fulfill responsibilities, keep their promises and complete their commitments. They are trust-worthy and dependable. they never retire. They serve faithfully as long as they are alive.

Real servants maintain a low profile

They do not promote or call attention to themselves. Instead of acting to impress and dressing for success, they" put on the apron of humility, to serve one another."

The world defines greatness in terms of power, possessions, prestige and position. Jesus measures greatness in terms of service not status, not by how many serve you, but by how many you have served. Thousands of books have been written on leadership, but few on servant-hood. Everyone wants to lead, no one wants to be a servant. Having the heart of a servant is most important to God. He shaped us for service not self-centeredness. Your shape reveals your ministry, your servants heart will reveal your maturity.

No special talent or is required to stay after a meeting to stack chairs or pick up trash. Anyone can be a servant. All it requires is character. Jesus said" By their fruits you will recognize them." Matt 7:16

Jim -- thanks for the devotional:)

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