Tuesday, October 7, 2008


What happens to a friendship when you get busy--you drift apart. Sunday, I realized that I have been drifting--it didn't happen intentionally--it just happened. Kinda like the lazy river with a floaty... nowhere in particular--just drifting.. aimlessly going where the river goes. there have been times in the last few months that the river has been fast and furious--where I feel totally out of control and not sure where I will end up...just hanging on for dear life... there have been other times where it seems like I got stuck in the whirlpool of life and I was afraid it would suck me under... then there are the days where I just plain got stuck--the river was really shallow and there was no current to push me along.
I realized on Sunday that God was there all along holding on to me when I felt like I was going under, holding on when I felt like no one else gave a rip or even understood what was happening in my life; and even when I wasn't going anywhere-HE was there. I have been having a hard time hearing his voice with all the others clamoring for my attention--He is so patient and kind--the Good shepherd--gently calling me and leading me back to him--because he knows on my own I' m not going to make it. Ever so gently saying--Tammy I'm here--its going to be OK. Lie down, rest, be still ..I have a plan and its all under control even if you aren't. I know that He is working things out to the good ---and in the end that is all that is important .

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